Sports funding available from the Fermanagh Trust


The Fermanagh Trust has supported hundreds of community based projects in Fermanagh over the last twenty four years, including a number of sporting initiatives. Three of the Trust’s grant programmes have a particular focus on sport and are currently open for applications.



The Fermanagh Recreational Trust supports the development and funding of recreational activities in County Fermanagh with a particular emphasis on young people and youth development. Organisations or individuals can apply. Potential areas of support include equipment, training, coaching and development of facilities. The closing date for the latest grant round is the 31st August.

The Greg Turley Bursary Awards assist young people via a one-off grant award. The Fund is particularly interested in supporting talented individuals develop their skills and interests in sport. Greg Turley, who was a teacher at St Michael’s College was a special individual who contributed so much to lives of others, so much so, that this fund was established as a way of continuing his work of helping others in a practical way. The applicants must be between 11 and 18 years of age and either residents in Fermanagh or in full time education in Fermanagh. The administrators meet twice annually in October and March of each year.

The Oisin McGrath Foundation provides financial support to young people who demonstrate exceptional commitment and ability in the world of sport but may be held back by their financial situation from pursuing their goals. Individual applicants must be between 12 and 16 years of age and residents in Fermanagh or surrounding areas. Bursaries available for equipment, coaching, travel costs etc. The Fund is open for applications from individuals or groups, with this year’s closing date the 15th November.

Lauri McCusker Director of the Fermanagh Trust said “Sport plays such a vital role in developing our young people and bringing communities together. It is so important we support and nurture our home grown talent because with their determination they will be able to achieve even more and become great ambassadors for the county. We are proud to have supported numerous organisations and individuals over the years who have went on to have high profile successes. It is our hope to reach even more. With ever rising costs of taking part in sporting activities we are pleased to be in a position via a number of our funds to support our young people. If you think we can help, do get in touch.”

For information on how to apply click the links below:

Fermanagh Recreational Trust

Greg Turley Bursary Awards

Oisin McGrath Foundation

or contact Gemma at the Fermanagh Trust Tel: 028 66 320 210 / E:



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