Ways To Support



The Trust's flexible giving programmes combined with its expert and sensitive understanding of Fermanagh's changing needs makes the community foundation of Fermanagh a convenient, practical and effective option for investments in our community.

  • Field of Interest Funds 
  • Unrestricted Funds
  • Endowment Funds 
  • Business Partnerships
  • Designated or Named Funds
  • Recognition or Anonymity

Field of Interest Funds
Funds which support a broad area of concern such as rural or estate-based regeneration, youth services or the elderly. Grants are awarded by the Fermanagh Trust on the basis of grant applications and visits by trustees, or advisory panel members.

Endowment Funds
Gifts to the Fermanagh Trust can be invested so as to remain a permanent capital fund, as endowment. The income from the endowment fund is then distributed as grants while the fund itself remains intact so that gifts can go on helping generation after generation forever. There are considerable tax benefits for individuals or companies who establish funds within the Fermanagh Trust.

Designated or Named Funds
These ensure permanent support to specific charitable activities, named by the donor.

Unrestricted Funds
These enable the Fermanagh Trust to respond with the greatest flexibility to changing community needs. No restrictions are placed on the charitable application of these funds.

Business Partnerships
The Fermanagh Trustis a business partner. It makes giving to the community enjoyable, effective and cost-efficient. It also insures appropriate recognition is given to individual company programmes. Most companies have a desire to put something back into the communities in which they operate. Frequently however, resources are lacking. The Fermanagh Trust is a corporate partner, which can make the difference between average company giving and outstanding giving. Hand-in-hand with this is the associated enhancement of public perceptions of company’s activities.

Recognition or Anonymity
Donors, whatever their chosen type of funding, may receive public recognition or remain anonymous as they wish. Funds may be named for individuals, families, companies or for special purposes.



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