Funding boost for our homegrown sporting talent from Fermanagh Recreational Trust


The Fermanagh Recreational Trust continues to support local talent by awarding grants to three organisations and five outstanding individuals. Footballer Josh Brownlee, swimmer Caitlin Love, boccia player William Graham, rock climber Philip Murphy, rower Lloyd Seaman, Derrylin O’Connell’s GAC, Enniskillen Rugby Club and Erne Lakeland Riding Club all received help towards fees, training, equipment costs etc.

The fund administered by the Fermanagh Trust supports the organisation, development and funding of recreational activities and facilities in County Fermanagh with particular emphasis on young people and youth development.

The individual grant recipients are regular competitors in their chosen fields and have shown skill and commitment by being selected for various training programmes. Josh is training with the Club NI Elite programme to develop goalkeeping and team working skills. Caitlyn is a member of Enniskillen Lakelanders and competes for them and her school Mount Lourdes. Over Halloween she was selected to attend a week long training camp in Tenerife with other young swimmers.

Philip has been a member of the Hanging Rockers Climbing Club since 2010. He has started training with the Talent Development Squad in Dublin. Lloyd is pushing to secure a position in Irish Lightweight 4 and hopes to qualify for the Rio Olympics. Earlier this month William took part in the Boccia British Championships held in Sterling where he came 8th out of 24 participants. William hopes to represent team GB at the 2020 Paralympics

Building on their very successful programme last year, Enniskillen Rugby Club will be continuing with their outreach coaching structure encompassing all primary and post primary schools in Fermanagh. Derrylin O’Connell GAC have over 100 adult members and 100 young members. Their grant will go towards refurbishment of their hand ball alley which is the only one in County Fermanagh. Erne Lakeland Riding Club will use grant to upgrade riding hats and body protectors.

James Cooper, trustee of the Fermanagh Recreational Trust said “We are very pleased to be able to support these outstanding individuals; all have the qualities to become excellent ambassadors for Fermanagh. It’s good to see the clubs supported developing unique new programmes and initiatives increasing levels of participation by young people and the wider community. It’s important we support and nurture our home grown talent because with their ambition and determination they will certainly fulfil their potential.”

Applications for the next round of funding from the Fermanagh Recreational Trust will close February 2016. For more information CLICK HERE



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