Teiges Mountain Community Wind Farm Fund awards funding to local projects


17 organisations carrying out local projects in the Brookeborough area have received funding totalling almost £50,000 from the Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund. Community Development Associations, schools, bands and sports clubs have been awarded grants to cover a wide range of educational, youth focused, environmental, cultural and sporting initiatives.


Tom Donnelly Brookeborough Development Association, Tom Campbell Brookeborough Development Assocaition, Peter Bailie MD Energia Renewables, Hazel Gardiner, Principal Brookeborough PS, Hillary Elliott Brookeborough Playgroup and Gerry Moane Heber McMahons GFC

Energia Renewables, owners of the Teiges Mountain Wind Farm launched the community fund last year, administered by the Fermanagh Trust. The fund was set up to ensure that the wind farm, whilst having obvious environmental benefits, will also provide significant social and economic benefits to the local community.

Sporting and community organisations supported include St Mary’s Indoor Bowling Club, and Heber McMahons Gaelic Football Club awarded funding for equipment costs and Colebrooke Bowling Club and Carrickapolin Neighbourhood Watch who will use their grants to purchase defibrillators.


(Left) Members of 1st Colebrooke Scouts with David Fee Colebrooke 1st Scouts, Mairead Primrose Cooneen GFS, Neil Irvine 1st Colebrooke Scouts and Sharon Graham GFS. (Right) John Carruthers Cooneen Pipe Band, Paul McDonnell Brookeborough Flute Band, Ben Ovens Brookeborough Pipe Band, John Dunn Brookeborough Flute Band, Wesley Creydon Brookeborough Pipe Band, Derek JOhnston, Colebrooke Bowling Club and Jayne Bell Brookeborough Flute Band.

Young people will benefit greatly from the funding with the local playgroup Brookeborough and District Community Playgroup, two local schools St Marys Primary School and Brookeborough Controlled PTSA receiving support towards purchasing equipment and environmental projects. 

Aghalun Brookeborough Community Youth Club and Aghavea Mothers Union and Aghavea Girl Friendly Society will use their funding for a range of courses in arts and sports. Also awarded funding were 1st Colebrooke / Cooneen Scout Group and the Girls Friendly Society Colebrooke and Coonen who will use their grant for equipment. Young people will also benefit with support provided to organise music tuition for classes being organised by Cooneen Pipe Band, Brookeborough Flute Band and Brookeborough Pipe Band.

Brookeborough and District Community Development Association and Cooneen / Coonian Community Development Association will use their funding for social, recreational and educational activities. Common Ground NI CIC will use their grant for materials for environmental projects. The Knocks Community Association have been funded to advance the much anticipated walking and environmental, scenic Lough Lea trail. 


(Left) Canon Laurence Dawson Aghalun Youth Club, Robbie Breadon Common Ground, Eugene RooneySt Mary's Bowling Club, Gary McLaughlin Carrickpolin Neighbourhood Watch and Stephen Wilson Carrickpolin Neighbourhood Watch. (Right) Geraldine Toye Brookeborough Playgroup, Seamus Greene St Mary's PS, Hillary Elliott Brookeborough Playgroup, Anita Kirkpatrick Brookeborough Playgroup, Hazel Gardiner Principal Brookeborough PS and Tracey Madill Brookeborough PS

Peter Baillie, Managing Director of Energia Renewables said “We are delighted to provide financial support to these wonderful groups and organisation who contribute so much to community life. Through the Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund we are very committed to integrate within the communities where we invest, getting resources and much needed funding on the ground.”

Lauri McCusker, Director of the Fermanagh Trust added “It is great to see so much happening in the Brookeborough area in terms of the arts, sport, educational and environmental initiatives. The Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund is an excellent opportunity for the local community to access funding which will benefit so many community activities. Well done to all those who received grant awards and we wish them every success in their endeavours.”


(Left) Peter Baillie MD Energia Renewables and Lauri McCusker Director Fermanagh Trust. (Right) Martin Carey Knocks Community Development Association, John McDonnell Conneen Community Association, Tom Donnelly Brookeborough Community Association, Mary Dunn Brookeborough Community Association and Albert McClelland Aghavea Mother's Union.

The fund will open for applications again later in the year. Small one off grants will be available for various activities up to a maximum of £2000, grants over a 1-3 year period for longer strategic programmes involving a number of organisations and also larger grants for strategic capital projects. For more information contact the Fermanagh Trust on Tel: 028 66 320 210 / E: hazel@fermanaghtrust.org.



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