Substantial wind fall for Belleek and Garrison organisations from the Callagheen Wind Farm Fund


From sports clubs and women’s groups to senior citizen’s clubs and youth based projects, organisations in the Belleek, Garrison and Cashel area are benefiting from substantial funding from the Callagheen Wind Farm Fund to help purchase equipment, tutoring, minor capital works and Christmas events.


L-R Lauri McCusker Director of the Fermanagh Trust, Jane Weir and Jenny Shaw from Garrison Community Group

The fund, administered by the Fermanagh Trust awards grants to community projects located within 7km of Callagheen wind farm, between Belleek and Garrison.

Organisations awarded funding include Garrison Community Group, whose mission is to fill the void in accessing services and activity due to isolated geographical location. The group have a large calendar of events throughout the year and recently have leased a building in the village, giving them their own base and a hub for the local community. This has been an aspiration for many years and will give the opportunity to further expand the activities they can provide. Their grant from the Wind Farm Fund will go towards equipment and furniture for the hub.


L-R Eugene O’Shea and John McCaughey from Belleek Men’s Shed, Lauri McCusker Director of the Fermanagh Trust, Jan Corrie and Pat Fletcher from Belleek Women’s Shed

Belleek Men’s Shed have acquired new premises in the village and have a number of exciting community projects planned over the next few months. Their grant from the Wind Farm Fund will be used for improvement work, equipment and tools. The Men’s Shed is a venue for men to talk and connect with others while participating in various activities. It provides opportunities for friendships and socialising in a safe environment, encouraging men to pursue hobbies, crafts and creativity.

Belleek Women’s Shed will use their grant to help fund a 12 week programme of workshops designed to improve mental health and physical wellbeing for women. Their aim is to tackle rural isolation by improving support and skills. Meeting weekly, the cross border, cross community group serves to provide a safe space for women to come together, share their skills and learn new ones in an area where there are limited resources available.

Lauri McCusker, Director of the Fermanagh Trust said “It’s great to see such a range of community and educational based activity taking place in North West Fermanagh and it’s a pleasure to award financial support to these fantastic initiatives. The Callagheen Wind Farm Fund is helping to make a positive contribution to the work of all these organisations and the wider community. Once again it is a proven record of the community benefit wind farms can bring.”


Belleek Men’s Shed receiving their award from the Callagheen Wind Farm Fund

The Callagheen Wind Farm is owned by Scottish Power Renewables and the fund is managed by the Fermanagh Trust on behalf of the company. Each year the fund accepts proposals from all aspects of community life, with an emphasis on projects that have an environmental theme. The fund will open again for applications next year. For more information CLICK HERE



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