Statement issued by the Fermanagh Trust following the abduction and attack on Kevin Lunney


Kevin Lunney has been a trustee of the Fermanagh Trust for a number of years.  His presence on the Trust reflects his enormous contribution to public life in Fermanagh and beyond, including his efforts to bring and secure employment to our County, along with his practical concern and voluntary contribution to the needs and hopes of local people. He is held in high regard by the community he serves and is a highly esteemed colleague.

It is therefore a matter of great distress to his fellow trustees, and to the director and staff of the Trust, that he has been so traumatically abducted and savagely assaulted.  We are deeply concerned that he was abducted on his way home within the view of his family who were left with a lack of knowledge of his wellbeing and whereabouts for some considerable time thereafter.  Our thoughts are especially with Kevin and his family at this time.  Our thoughts are also with his friends and with his colleagues working in the various businesses in south Fermanagh for whom the attack on Kevin will be a matter of concern and anxiety.

We join with the vast majority across the County and beyond calling for solidarity with Kevin and his family and for an immediate cessation of the threats to and attacks on people and property.



19 JUL
19 JUL
19 JUL
16 MAY