Meeting with First Minister Arlene Foster


On one of her final few engagements as First Minister, a special meeting was held with Arlene Foster, Trustees and Staff at the Fermanagh Trust. An opportunity to mark the Trust’s work during the COVID public health crisis alongside colleagues in the Community and Voluntary sector and highlight the important support of the NI Executive throughout the period.





The meeting provided the Trust with an opportunity to share some of the ongoing work taking place in Fermanagh House to support people and communities including the development of the community-based befriending support service Connect Fermanagh.


''It was terrific that we were able to meet with Arlene and put on record our thanks for her support for the Fermanagh Trust’s work over many years including the Trust’s ground breaking work on shared education which contributed to the development of the Shared Education Act and the development of Fermanagh House community hub facility.'' outlined Aideen McGinley, Trust Chairperson.



19 JUL
19 JUL
19 JUL
16 MAY