Kathleen Richey's contribution highlighted during 'Celebrating Community Achievement Awards'


During Fermanagh Rural Community Network’s annual ‘Oscars’ Awards a special word of acknowledgement was paid to Kathleen Richey, Fermanagh Trust secretary, who was a key founder of the Network 20 years ago.

Kathleen was highlighted for the contribution she has made in organising the Network and her hard work for the organisation over the years.

Barry Boyle, the Network’s Co-ordinator, in his annual report, referred to a number of achievements. Among these was working alongside the Omagh Forum for Rural Associations in obtaining a tender contract arrangement with DARD to tackle rural poverty and social isolation. He explained that this programme will run until 2015 and includes a number of features such as a ‘community development service’ for the unionist population living in rural border areas.

Congratulations to all of the voluntary organisations and individuals who received awards during the presentation at the Network’s AGM which took place in Cleenish Parish Hall, Belnaleck. There was high praise for dedicated workers across the county and the positive role that volunteers play in all aspects of community life.



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