Funding boost for Brookeborough from the Energia Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund


Organisations in Brookeborough have received a funding boost from the Energia Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund. Almost £50,000 was awarded to community development associations, schools, bands, youth groups and sports clubs to support a wide range of educational, environmental, cultural and sporting initiatives.


Peter Baillie, Managing Director of Energia (centre) presenting grant award to members of Knocks Community Development Association (L-R) Frank Og Maguire, Anne McElroy, Martin Carey and Noel McElroy


Energia Renewables, owners of the Teiges Mountain Wind Farm launched the community fund in 2017. The fund, administered by the Fermanagh Trust, was set up to ensure that the wind farm, whilst having obvious environmental benefits, will also provide significant social and economic benefits to the local community. Grants have been awarded to a number of projects including one long term capital grant to the Knocks Community Association which will result in a total of £100,000 over 5 years. The group have been awarded capital funding to advance the much anticipated walking and environmental, scenic Lough Lea trail.

Young  people will benefit greatly from the fund, with grant awards going to youth clubs, scouts, girl friendly society, the playgroup and the two primary schools, all to support them with various projects and equipment including a defibrillator for Brookeborough Primary School.


(L-R) Martin Carey Knocks Community Development Association, Peter Baillie Managing Director of Energia, Noel McEleroy Knocks Community Development Association and Lauri McCusker Director of the Fermanagh Trust


Local sports clubs including the bowling, gaelic football, tennis table, hurling and football clubs will use their grant awards to cover their running costs and equipment costs.  Other groups supported include bands, drama group, Common Ground CIC and cultural and heritage group who were awarded grants to support equipment and tuition costs.

Cooneen Community Development Association was awarded funding to help them run a series of educational activities. Brookeborough Community Association will use their grant to develop the Aghalun Wood Walks Project.

Peter Baillie, Managing Director of Energia Renewables said “We are delighted to provide financial support to these 21 wonderful groups and organisations who contribute so much to community life. Through the Teiges Mountain Wind Farm Fund, now in it’s second round of grant awards, we are very committed to supporting the communities where we invest, getting resources and much needed funding on the ground.”

Lauri McCusker, Director of the Fermanagh Trust added “It is great to see so much community activity happening in the Brookeborough area and through these organisations it’s clear there will be a large reach of people supported by this funding. Well done to all those who received grant awards and we wish them every success in their endeavours.”


Peter Baillie Managing Director of Energia and Martin Carey, Knocks Community Development Association at Lough Lea where work has started on the new walking trail


The fund will open for applications again later in the yearfor the 2019 grants round. Small one off grants will be available for various activities up to a maximum of £2000, grants over a 1-3 year period for longer strategic programmes involving a number of organisations and also larger grants for strategic capital projects. For more information CLICK HERE



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