Fermanagh Trust supports establishment of new community group


Patrick Gilmurray, Fermanagh Trust Director Lauri McCusker and Leanne Carrothers


The Fermanagh Trust has awarded a grant to support the establishment of a new company created by Patrick Gilmurray and Leanne Carrothers. B2gether is a not for profit community interest company aimed at supporting those with physical disability and special needs.

The scheme, which will operate over the summer months with a possible extension, will give young adults with learning disabilities and special needs the chance to come together to socialise, relax and enjoy each other’s company. A rota of activities will be scheduled including arts and craft, music, sports and cookery demonstrations and of which will help with the clients’ holistic development.

The cross community scheme will help facilitate their personal, social and educational growth to reach their full potential in society. The business will be service based, not for profit and will operate in the Enniskillen area accommodating those 18 years and over with a maximum number of 30 in the group. It will include the use of volunteers and incorporate various activities to meet the clients’ needs.

Founders of B2gether Patrick and Leanne said “We are incredibly grateful to the Fermanagh Trust for their support towards setting up this new initiative. By listening to the young adults and their parents we realised there was a gap in the market for such a scheme and this was the impetus to put our plans into action. We will use recreational activities and interaction to bring fun and laughter into people’s lives. Previous employment and training has enabled us to become suitably qualified in the health and social care field and as a result we hope to put our expertise into practice.”

All those wishing to use the service will be welcome regardless of their personal circumstances, religious beliefs, race or background. B2gether will nurture and support every client and their development through the use of recreational activities and group interaction while incorporating where possible intervention programmes such as Healthy Eating, Employability and Suicide Awareness.

Lauri McCusker, Director of the Fermanagh Trust added “B2gether is a very worthwhile initiative which we are pleased to support and we wish Patrick and Leanne every success. It is a scheme which will not only provide opportunities and support for our vulnerable adults but also local employers and tutors therefore having a positive impact on the community overall.”

For more information contact b2gethercic@gmail.com



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