Deadlines nearing for Fermanagh Trust grant programmes


Closing dates are coming up shortly for three of the funds administered by the Fermanagh Trust. Applications are welcome for the Fisher Foundation and Fermanagh Recreational Trust (closing dates 28th February) and the Joan Trimble Bursary Awards (closing date 1st March). The funds provide an excellent opportunity for young people seeking support in music, the arts, Irish culture, sport and volunteering.


Grants for voluntary work overseas are available from the Fisher Foundation. Much needed financial resources are provided to help organisations and volunteers who give their time to assist so many projects across the world, supporting a wide range of innovative projects which no doubt make major contributions. Last year £15,000 was awarded to 23 local people from 13 organisations including Leprosy Mission, Trocaire and the Church Mission Society.


The Joan Trimble Bursary Awards encourage the involvement of young people in creativity, the performing arts and Irish culture. Areas of support for individuals up to and including 25 years of age include: specialist education training sessions and courses; international cultural programmes; participation in master classes and summer schools. Previous recipients include classical singer Andrew Irwin, saxophone player Ashley Smith and actor Mimi Millmore.

The Fermanagh Recreational Trust supports the organisation, development and funding of recreational activities and facilities with a particular emphasis on young people and youth development. Community, voluntary or sporting organisations or individuals based in Fermanagh can apply. Some of those previously supported by the fund include County Fermanagh Super Cup NI, Fermanagh GAA and local rowers Ryan Ballantine and Zoe McCutcheon who all received help towards training, equipment costs etc.

Lauri McCusker Director of the Fermanagh Trust said “This is an exciting time for our organisation with applications coming in for these three funds. We would encourage as many as possible to avail of these excellent opportunities. Funding is available for organisations to enhance their provision and for our young people to develop their careers, take part in various training courses and people of all ages who are planning to volunteer for programmes overseas this year.”


For more information and details on how to apply click the following links ( JOAN TRIMBLE BURSARY AWARDS ) ( FISHER FOUNDATION ) ( FERMANAGH RECREATIONAL TRUST )or call 028 66 230 210 / E:



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