100 mile fundraiser for Children’s Mental Health


Ultimate Health and Fitness, personal training based in Irvinestown, have been raising funds for Children’s Mental Health. 40 of the gym’s ladies have been running / walking / rowing with the target of 100 miles each in 28 days.

In just over a week they smashed their £1000 target. Funds raised will go to the Fermanagh Trust’s ‘Grant To Give Back’.


Patrick Doherty, Head Coach at Ultimate Health and Fitness said “Like most small businesses, lockdown came as a major shock to everyone. However, thankfully we were already in the advanced stages of setting up an online training aspect to the gym.”

“Since the birth of my first baby boy, I have noticed a need to help busy mums that do not have the time or perhaps the childminding services required to get to our facility. So with the onset of lockdown 2020 we designed a 28 day programme specifically for women to lose weight, boost energy and confidence plus maintain that community feel with other likeminded women.”


“As part of the programme we like to set challenges to boost motivation and the ladies decided that they wanted to help children & young people’s mental health in the local area. With a large number of the clients having children and with us all living in unprecedented times, we thought it was a hugely worthwhile area to support. For 28 days, we decided to run / walk or row 100miles and raise funds which will be utilised locally via the Fermanagh Trust.”

“We are delighted with the efforts so far and on Easter Sunday all of the team will have achieved their goals and hopefully smashed our fundraising target. I am extremely thankful to everyone who has donated and to the incredible women on our programme who have been a shining light of positivity and energy to their families & communities during this pandemic. Nothing has phased them and we look forward to future challenges and growing this superb platform that lowers all the barriers to health & fitness which is open to anyone (with decent internet).”


Starting at the end of the last year, the Fermanagh Trust has been mentoring young apprentices and sharing with them a wide variety of skills and experience. With funds from the Fermanagh Trust to give out, the young grant makers have formed ‘Grant To Give Back’. The process involves application procedures and criteria and ultimately deciding which local groups and projects should get funded.

At weekly Zoom meetings the young apprentices have worked with others to gain the knowledge and tools required for identifying issues or concerns in their community, researching, negotiating priorities and working as a team to make a positive and meaningful contribution. They are hoping to award funding to projects which focus on their key priority areas, which include young people’s mental health. Who better to fund the needs for young people, than young people themselves.


Lauri McCusker, Director of the Fermanagh Trust added “Congratulations to the Ultimate Health and Fitness team. Over the last couple of weeks, with dark evenings and bad weather, reaching 100 miles each is a great achievement. Thanks to them and everyone who has donated. For our young grant makers, forming ‘Grant To Give Back’ has been a rewarding experience and a channel for them to learn new skills and make a difference in their community. This fundraiser has been such a wonderful addition to the process. The apprentices are thrilled with the backing and support from this local group and they’re now excited to make their grant awards.”

Grant To Give Back recently closed for applications. A number of local organisations and projects have applied and the young apprentices will be making their decisions soon.
To donate / keep up to date with Ultimate Health’s and Fitness’ 100 mile challenge visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/100mileswithuhaf

For more info on UHAF programme Tel: 07871866745 / Facebook - Ultimate Health & Fitness



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