G8 Youth Summit Communique


The communiqué is available in both written and film format.


The written communiqué is also available in a number of language including French, Japanese and German. Please see below for download files.
The communiqué has been presented to Prime Minister David Cameron by the Secretary of State, Theresa Villiers.
The G8 Youth summit organised by The Fermanagh Trust was attended by 100 young people from Fermanagh, across Northern Ireland and the border counties. The communiqué has brought forward four key themes; Healthcare, equality, poverty, peace.
Over two days the Youth Summit  worked together as a collective body of over 100 young people and in smaller groups to consider their past experiences, the issues currently affecting them and other young people across the world and finally how their view their future and how this may be obtained.
During the summit a presentation was made to the Secretary of State when the participants highlighted the four most critical global issues which are of concern to young people today.
The Secretary of State thanked the Fermanagh Trust for planning such a successful event. Addressing the young people she said “I’d like to thank you all for taking part and doing such great work on some of frankly the biggest issues we face. It is so important that people of all ages but particularly young people engage on the kind of issues that you have talking about and the Prime Minister was very keen for me to come and represent him personally at this event”.
The presentation to special guests included representatives of the US government, the Irish government, the EU and the local assembly Greg Burton, the US Consulate, said “Your presentation and the themes you have identified are all very important and I look forward to receiving the film summarising the summit findings. I will forward this on to Washington for consideration. Congratulations on all your work over the past two days”. Junior Minister Jennifer McCann MLA said “I want to thank the young people for their participation and I have no doubt with their continued efforts and enthusiasm we can look forward to a better future for everyone."
“The G8 Youth Summit was truly inspirational and overall a fantastic success,” said Lauri McCusker, director of the Fermanagh Trust. “The engagement from the young people was superb. The level of insight and knowledge which the participants brought to the summit was significant. Over the two days the summit participants worked very hard to develop their key priorities and communicate these.”
For further information on the G8 Youth Summit and the communiqué - Contact;
The Fermanagh Trust on 028 66 320 210 (during office hours)
Out of office hours contact Lauri, Director of The Fermanagh Trust on 07968 031971 or email: lauri@fermanaghtrust.org
Or Hazel (Communications) on 0752 66 33885 or email: hazel@fermanaghtrust.org
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19 JUL
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19 JUL